Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin

Edition of 30 H 20″, W 18″, D 18″ Price: $7,500 In the fledgling years of forming the United State of America, Benjamin Franklin, whose wit and wisdom guided the founding fathers toward a strong constitution, sits at his desk, lost in thought and contemplating...
The Swimmer

The Swimmer

Edition of 1 H 28 “, W 9 “, D 3 ” Price: $3,900 The swimmer stands in thought, in mental preparation before the race.  His demeanor is stoic, his body strong.  As his muscular build attests, the original model for this piece was, in fact, a swimmer...


Edition of 30 H 18 “, W 8 “, D 8 ” Price: $3,900 She sits caught in a moment of contemplation.  Her body relaxed and her mind on other things.  These quite moments are where we think clearly and our ideas become cohesive.  May we all find more...