Pleasant Days

Pleasant Days

Edition of 30 H 13″, W 18″, D 10″ Price: $3,200 There are times when young life’s vibrancy nestles into a feeling of total comfort and awareness.  Such moments burn deep into the memory of self, imprinting strong, warm reflections of self and...
Pioneer Sentinel

Pioneer Sentinel

Edition of 30 H 16″ Price: $3,900 Additional Sizes Available In fading light, the pioneer sentinel sits astride his horse studying the wide plain of sage and greasewood.  All is quiet except for the distant lonely howl of a coyote calling to his mate.  He...
Paper Dolls

Paper Dolls

Edition of 12 H 38″, W 22″, D 28″ Price: $11,500 She drops the scissors to her lap and pulls the folded paper open.   Suddenly, where only half a man had been, a line of people now appears, holding hands and singing.  Warm light of afternoon’s...